Gary Whitehead
21 Year Trucker
“I’ve been driving a truck for 21 years. I just started using No-Mor Friction about 3 months ago. My truck had been running on Lucas until I tried No-Mor Friction. No-Mor Friction has picked up my fuel mileage. My turbo pressure has risen. I don’t have that friction on the turbo you have when you’re climbing a hill. I live down in North Carolina, in the flatlands of North Carolina down next to Laurinberg, North Carolina. The No-Mor Friction has saved me on my oil. I was used to using a gallon of oil every 5,000 miles and now I barely put any oil in it before changing my oil. And I change my oil every 11,000 miles. When I first used it. Me and Charles was sitting down talking about it. And I first let my truck idle for about 35 minutes before pulling out. And I could tell the difference when I pulled out of the truck stop. The turbo pressure and the pulling power that I had with No-Mor Friction. It has saved my turbo from winding and getting in a bind. My turbo pressure now it goes up, like it would be in a car. I have very high hopes for this product. I’m hoping that a lot of other people will try it … the only thing you gotta do is try this product one time and you will see the difference in it and any other product. So I’m very satisfied with this product …”